Cannabis Strains

What Makes US Cannabis strains so popular?

What Makes US Cannabis strains so popular?

American cannabis has always been about pushing the limits of breeding, production and potency, so it's not surprising that the USA boasts some of the most sought-after genetics on earth. This, coupled with a thriving legal cannabis market and ideal growing conditions on America's west coast, has given the several US strains worldwide fame. Today, growers and users in other countries are understandably keen to try these industry-leading hybrids for themselves. Fortunately, we've been able to get our hands on...


About Haze Strains

Often mentioned in the same breath as other classic strains like Skunk and Kush, Haze is a real hallmark of the cannabis community. In fact, these three strains form the basis of pretty much all hybrids on the modern market. With that in mind, you know you're in good hands when growing a Haze strain.While legendary status in the cannabis world isn't enough, there's a lot more to Haze than just a great pedigree. Haze strains can rival and even...

Cannabear Cannabis Flowers

Cannabis Strains

Cannabis strains are either pure or hybrid varieties of the Cannabis genus of plants, which include the species Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Ruderalis. Varieties are developed to intensify specific characteristics of the plant or to differentiate the strain for the purposes of marketing or to make it more effective as a drug. Cannabis strains are often named by their growers, and often advertise the specific parentage of the plant. When it comes to Cannabis strains, there are three...